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London Chamber of Commerce and IndustryLondon Chamber of Commerce and Industry
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Trade Documentation

LCCI is the UK’s largest trade documents issuer, available online, by phone and in person. We provide a range of international trade documents, including ATA Carnets, Certificates of Origin and Customs Declarations. As an LCCI member you can receive up to 50% discounts on many trade documents.

Our trade documentation specialists are on hand to advise businesses on the documents required, saving you time, money, and stress. 

image of a port

Documentation for International Trade

Making sure you have the right documentation is a vital part of international trade for British exporters. Accurate paperwork minimises the risk of problems and delays to the movement of goods through customs.

LCCI export support services can help your business remain compliant and accurately complete the required paperwork. We can help with the following trade documentation: ATA Carnets, Arab Certificates of Origin, Certificates of Origin, Customs Declarations, United Kingdom Certificates of Origin, EUR1 Movement Certificate and Special Certificates.

Find the trade document you require below and follow the links for further information. 

How LCCI can support your business with importing and exporting

Customs Declarations

Customs Declarations

As of 1 January 2021, any UK business involved with importing or exporting goods to and from the European Union must declare their shipments to HMRC. This is done in a form of a customs declaration. Our Customs Declaration team has a wealth of experience in a wide range of sectors covering the three main transport modes (sea, air and road), and are ready to assist your business. 

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Arab-British Certificate of Origin and Arab League Legalisation

Arab-British Certificate of Origin and Arab League Legalisation

An Arab Certificate of Origin is issued for goods that are being sold and permanently exported to Arab League countries. In addition to these certificates, LCCI can process any other commercial document required for international trade, either alongside the Certificate of Origin or as a separate document.

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ATA Carnet

ATA Carnet

The ATA Carnet is an international customs document that permits duty-free and tax-free temporary import of goods for up to one year. We have an experienced team of experts on hand to support you through the process of applying for and purchasing an ATA Carnet.

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Legalisation Services and Other Trade Documents

Legalisation Services and Other Trade Documents

LCCI can assist businesses having commercial documents legalised by the legalisation office (Foreign and Commonwealth office). We also offer Special Certificates, a type of document that includes Trading Status Certificate, Force Majeure Certificate and International Import Certificates.

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United Kingdom Certificates of Origin

United Kingdom Certificates of Origin

A UK Certificate of Origin is issued for goods that are being sold and permanently exported to non-Arab countries as well as Egypt and Iran. LCCI can also process any other commercial document required for international trade, either alongside your Certificate of Origin or as a separate document.

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EUR1 Movement Certificate

EUR1 Movement Certificate

An EUR1 Movement Certificate is used to support claims for preferential (usually zero) rates of duty in the country of importation. To qualify the goods must 'originate' in the UK and be supported by a correctly completed and endorsed EUR1. 

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Trade Documents Price List

As an LCCI member you can receive up to 50% discounts on many trade documents. For the full price list, please click the link below.

If you would like to speak to a member of our team about your trade documentation requirements, you can call us on +44 (0)20 7248 4444 or email.

laptop user with card

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

LCCI's trade documentation specialists are on hand to support your business trade internationally.

Read our frequently asked questions to help you get started with our trade support services.

See all FAQs

Latest Articles
Does Better Information Curb Customs Fraud?

Does Better Information Curb Customs Fraud?

Better information lies at the heart of effective fraud prevention strategies and the promotion of more secure and efficient trading environments for UK businesses. Customs fraud is a significant concern for businesses engaged in international trade, costing the UK economy billions of pounds annually. 

Implementation of the ATA Carnet System in Peru

Implementation of the ATA Carnet System in Peru

Widely known as “passport for goods”, ATA Carnets are international customs documents that permit the duty and tax-free temporary importation of non-perishable goods for up to 12 months into countries subscribed to the ATA Carnet scheme. On April 2024, Peru will become the 79th country joining the ATA Carnet System, opening another door to the temporary importation of goods worldwide.

Your learning module: Arab- British Certificates of Origin

Your learning module: Arab- British Certificates of Origin

Are you shipping goods to Arab League countries? Here’s what you need to know about Arab-British Certificates of Origin.

How to Find Us and Opening Hours

Location: London Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI), 33 Queen Street, London EC4R 1AP
LCCI Trade Documentation Counter Opening Hours: Monday - Friday, 10:00am - 4:00pm

Cannon Street
Mansion House

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Premier Plus Membership

Premier Plus Membership

Our Premier Plus membership provides your business with access to support services to help you grow globally and cut costs. You can receive up to 50% discounts on many trade documents, benefit from discounted international trade training courses, and gain valuable advice on exporting and importing.

Overseas Visitors Membership

Overseas Visitors Membership

If you are looking to do business in London, our Overseas Visitors Membership will help you raise your profile and make connections in the UK as well as provide you with a “soft landing” while in London. Plus, you will gain valuable advice on UK market entry and discover how to sell and invest in the UK.

Get in Touch

Please complete our contact form if you have any queries about trade documents. A member of our team will then be in touch.

Alternatively, you can call us on +44 (0)20 7248 4444.

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