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Accelerating Action: International Women's Day 2025

What Accelerating Action Means to Our Members

International Women's Day 2025

International Women's Day (IWD) is a global day to celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. Taking place every 8 March, it's a vital day to call for action for gender parity and positive change. This year's theme is Accelerate Action, aiming to drive gender equality at a faster rate.

As things currently stand, it will take until 2158, which is roughly five generations from now, to reach full gender parity, according to data from the World Economic Forum. Clearly, we need swift and decisive steps to achieve gender equality. The theme of #AccelerateAction calls for increased momentum and urgency in addressing the systemic barriers and biases that women face, both in personal and professional spheres.

At the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI), accelerating action and championing positive change are key goals. Along with our Asian Business and Black Business Associations, we pride ourselves on our work to support and champion Women in Business within London and beyond. With dedicated policy campaigns, events and workshops, and an advisory board made up of inspiring men and women working towards greater opportunities for women, we work tirelessly to drive inclusion in the business world.

In honour of this important day, we're taking the opportunity to shine a light on the fantastic female leaders we have within LCCI's membership and our Women in Business Advisory Board.

This year, we asked Julie Nel, Jacqui Thornton, Nicole Lowe and Parul to explain what this day means to them, their top advice for women at the start of their careers, and how we can build workplaces and societies where women can thrive.

What advice would you give to 18-year-old you?

Julie: Don’t listen to men (there weren’t many women around in my industry to ask advice from) who tell you they think ‘you’re too young’, or ‘need more experience’ before going for things. Try it anyway! I really lost out on opportunities because these doubts sowed seeds of ‘I’m not ready yet’ throughout my career. Just go for it, if you think you’re ready, yes you’re ready!

Jacqui: Believe in yourself, every day is an opportunity to grow.

Nicole: Take every opportunity, jump in head first and enjoy the journey - you will take something away from every instance and will be particularly proud of yourself when you step outside of your comfort zone. And always remember, everyone is learning all the time - don't be afraid you'll look silly if you ask questions, there's probably someone else in the group who feels the same as you!

Parul: I would tell my 18-year-old self to embrace an unwavering sense of self-belief, adopt a growth mindset towards both life and learning, and cultivate a healthy attitude towards failure. These interconnected qualities are essential for success in any personal or professional endeavour especially when the odds may not be stacked in your favour. 

What do you think is the key to building a workplace where women thrive?

Julie: Pay equality so they feel valued in what they can provide, a safe and supportive environment where inappropriate behaviour is not accepted and is challenged, an environment where women can voice their concerns without feeling they will be persecuted for it or ‘placed under a black cloud’ and mentorship and coaching to allow for growth and development.

Jacqui: It is key for not just women but men also to be able to speak and be listened to, opinions are just that and everyone is entitled to them, appreciate everyone has different motivators and by acknowledging and being aware of them everyone can flourish  

Nicole: Diversity in decision making teams is really key to building an inclusive workplace that feels fair to all. This ensures all voices are represented and incorporated into action plans. It should feed into all areas of the business and including the board. Creating a culture where people feel comfortable calling out bad behaviour is also vital. No one should suffer in silence and women should feel confident that any bad behaviour will receive appropriate action from their leadership. Lastly, role models are an amazing way for women to see the art of the possible. Female leaders inspire the next generation of talent.

Parul: Building an equitable workplace where women can thrive, requires first and foremost an awareness that an inclusive workplace is not a given or default. It requires deliberate appreciation and action for diversity and a top down culture of inclusivity which then shows up in the policies, procedures and culture of the workplace around hiring, career progression, and benefits. Additionally, capturing and leveraging data for driving inclusive decision making and effective role modelling by the leadership are absolutely critical for longer term impact on company culture and productivity.

What is one step you will take to #AccelerateAction in 2025?

Julie: Continue to promote and collaborate with women within my industry showing others how success is achievable within a male-dominated environment.

Jacqui: Continue to be a role model for the industry and continue to support up-and-coming new leader managers for the future.

Nicole: I want to call out and show my support for the brilliant global feminist charity The Circle. The Circle is a unique organisation which brings global feminists together to fight for a fairer world for women and girls across the world. Did you know only 2% of global funding goes into supporting women's rights? Despite this, last year The Circle supported 88,000 women through support to their grassroots charity partners all over the world!

Parul: I plan to leverage my voice and platform to  #AccelerateAction in both personal and professional capacities. At Athena FundX, it is our mission to empower 1 million women in entrepreneurship through funding and I aim to get us closer to this mission. In my personal capacity, I want to actively develop and be part of networks that mentor, coach and sponsor aspiring women to progress forward in their lives and careers.