Part-opening of Crossrail | News and Insights - LCCI
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LCCI react to a part-opening of Crossrail being announced

Thursday 25 April 2019

Reacting to Crossrail Limited announcing their revised opening date, David Frost, Chief Executive of London Chamber of Commerce and Industry, said:

“I am glad to see a firm commitment to a date for the opening of the central section of Crossrail. Many businesses have already made investment decisions based upon the route and will want to see these starting to pay off.

I am concerned though that no timetable is set to open the full line, including the link to Heathrow. It is of huge importance to London that this happens as soon as possible."


Media contact:
Steven Reilly-Hii
T: +44 (0)207 203 1897
M: +44 (0)7827 241528


  1. London Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) is the capital’s most representative business organisation, with members ranging in size from multi-national companies to SMEs and sole traders. David Frost is available for interview and further comment.