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LCCI support TfL call to business

Tuesday 26 May

Responding to Transport for London (TfL) publishing advice for London businesses about how they can play a part in controlling the coronavirus as national restrictions on movement are gradually lifted:

Richard Burge, Chief Executive of London Chamber of Commerce and Industry, said:

“We support the government’s phased approach to re-opening the economy. Employers, however, must take independent decision for their business based on their risk assessment, the agreement of colleagues, and the readiness of clients and customers to trade with them.

“For as many London-based companies as possible, it remains imperative that they keep “working from home” as the norm for the foreseeable future in order to take the pressure off London’s transport network.

“Businesses must look at flexible hours and how they can mix office and “working from home” days. In return, TfL need to look rapidly at fare structures that will incentivise businesses to respond to reduced transport capacity.”