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Procurement Opportunities for Minority Ethnic Owned Businesses
LCCI is pleased to announce that the Greater London Authority and a number of related public sector institutions have decided to change procurement policies in response to London Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s campaign for action to address discrimination faced by minority ethnic owned businesses.
Red tape pressure eases for Ukrainian refugees
The London Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) welcomed the intervention of the Roads Minister to ease the red tape burden which has been placed on Ukrainian refugees
Response to the GLA’s ‘Planning for London Programme’ call for evidence
LCCI respond to the GLA’s Planning for London Programme consultation, outlining some of the key areas that the Chamber feels should be a focus in the next London Plan. The response was written in collaboration with members from LCCI’s Connected, Liveable London Committee.
Results of LCCI’s Quarterly Skills Survey
The study interviewed over 500 business leaders from micro to large scale companies and found that although the majority of firms are pursuing recruitment drives, they are facing a lack of qualified candidates.
Sales climb but rising costs threaten London's COVID-19 recovery
LCCI publishes its Q3 Capital 500 results.
Saudi Arabia joins the Hague Convention
Having submitted their instrument of accession to the Apostille Convention on April 8 2022, and after signing the agreement on December 7 2022, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has officially become the 122nd member nation to join the Hague Convention.
Sir Alok Sharma called for action against climate change
The networking event hosted by the City of London Chamber saw passionate speeches on Net Zero being delivered to a captivated audience.
Skills and training system is lacking if capital to thrive say councils and businesses
Significant changes need to be made to skills and training provision in London if the capital is to continue to thrive, according to authors of London’s largest local business report.
Spring Budget Does Not Meet London Business Expectations
LCCI, in response to the Spring Budget, declared that it fell short of delivering optimum value and support for London businesses.
Testing rather than self-isolation, say LCCI
LCCI call for a system where those who receive a notification about the need to self-isolate instead undertake daily COVID-19 testing.
10 of 1707 Results