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    1/3London businesses welcome UK joining global digital trade agreement.London businesses welcome UK joining global digital trade agreement.Read more
    2/3LCCI responds to the King's SpeechLCCI responds to the King's SpeechRead more
    3/3LCCI's welcomes 230 guests from London’s dynamic business community to our Annual Summer PartyLCCI's welcomes 230 guests from London’s dynamic business community to our Annual Summer PartyRead more
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LCCI response to the Port of London Authority Thames Vision 2050 consultation
This is our submission to LCCI's response to Port of London Authority’s Thames Vision 2050 consultation.
Overseas Agents and Distributors
LCCI Response to the Treasury Committee’s Inquiry into the Economic Impacts of Coronavirus
LCCI submitted evidence for to the Treasury Committee as part of their inquiry into the economic impact of coronavirus. The submission outlines the impacts felt across all sectors, using data from the Office for National Statistics and LCCI’s own Capital 500 survey.
LCCI Response to the Treasury Select Committee's Call for Evidence on HM Government's Coronavirus Fi
COVID-19 has posed enormous challenges for businesses and their employees, particularly threatening cash flow, employment and general business sustainability. LCCI welcomes the Committee’s plans to continue holding evidence sessions on the economic impact of coronavirus.
Preference Rules of Origin
Greg Robertson
Greg manages security across Europe and Asia for a major Canadian bank. His experience also covers oil and gas, construction and governments. He has worked extensively in Africa and the Middle East and is the 2021 ASIS UK Chapter Secretary, a leading global security association.
Session 1 : Understanding Menopause
Levelling Up and London Businesses
We have published the results of a new survey assessing London businesses’ perceptions of the much touted levelling up agenda. The majority (82%) of respondents had heard of the Government’s levelling up programme, but only a minority of that 82% understood it.
City of London Chamber Hosts Key Cybersecurity Event
The City of London Chamber gathered industry experts, government officials, and business leaders to discuss the evolving landscape of cyber threats and the proactive measures taken by the City of London Police to prevent and combat cybercrime. 
COVID-19: LCCI SITREP of member impacts
London Chamber of Commerce and Industry participate in the London Strategic Coordination Group (SCG): Business Subgroup on COVID-19 business-related impacts. View our weekly coronavirus updates that we issue to the multi-agency resilience group.
10 of 1707 Results