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Wanda Haddock
Wanda is an organisational psychologist with 20+ years of experience helping global organisations and teams navigate change and improvement. She has worked across a broad base of industries and her focus lies on balancing transactional and relational aspects to ensure fulfilled performance and growth.
Policy Briefing - 5 August
The latest LCCI policy update focusses on the Government’s reforms to the planning system. This takes shape principally through the introduction of mandatory housing targets, and changes to the National Planning Policy Framework.
Policy Briefing 20 August
The latest LCCI policy update focusses on the Government’s meeting with business organisations on their planned reforms to employment law.
Publication B
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LCCI call for intelligent "back to work" discussion
Richard Burge, LCCI CEO comments on the growing political, business and media narrative around the need for workers to return to offices.
Response to Migration Advisory Committee Call for Evidence: The Economic and Social Impact of the UK
London is three times more reliant on foreign workers than the rest of the UK. The damage caused by losing these individuals would be felt particularly in London, which remains the engine of the wider UK economy.  It is clear that the departure of EU nationals in particular from the London work...
LCCI call for UK safe travel corridors with other nations
On behalf of London business, London Chamber of Commerce and Industry has today questioned government proposals to introduce a blanket ‘quarantine’ for all international arrivals to the UK.
LCCI calls for councils to borrow to build have been echoed by the Mayor of London
Mayor Sadiq Khan has echoed calls by London Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the Government to allow councils more power to borrow money to build new homes and help solve the housing crisis. The calls come ahead of the autumn budget in which Theresa may hinted at policies to “build more houses, more quickly”.
Worlds Apart: Making the Immigration system work for London businesses
London businesses need to be able to recruit from outside the EEA to access skills that are all too often lacking in the domestic labour market. This policy briefing sets out ways the visa and immigration system should be designed in order to maximise the contribution that non-EEA workers can make to the London economy.
LCCI comment on new Covid-19 tier system
LCCI respond to the new Covid-19 tier system, announced by the Prime Minister today.
10 of 1705 Results