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    1/3London Chamber calls for review of proposed Silvertown and Blackwell Tunnel Toll RatesLondon Chamber calls for review of proposed Silvertown and Blackwell Tunnel Toll RatesRead more
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LCCI respond to lockdown easing and COVID-19 policy announcements
London Chamber of Commerce and Industry has reacted to further easing of lockdown and measures announced by the Prime Minister to cut COVID-19 transmission.
LCCI respond to post-lockdown tier system
LCCI respond to the Prime Minister's address to the House of Commons about what tiers and restrictions will follow lockdown, when it ends on December 2.
LCCI respond to pre-departure testing policy
LCCI comment on the Government's new border Covid-19 testing policy.
LCCI respond to TfL long-term funding deal delay
LCCI respond to the delay in the TfL funding deal agreement.
LCCI responds to Mayor Boris Johnson's appointment to the Cabinet
London Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) Chief Executive, Colin Stanbridge, has congratulated Boris Johnson MP's  on his appointment to attend Political Cabinet.
LCCI responds to new research by the BCC
LCCI responds to research published by the BCC into the EU trade deal and its impact on businesses in the UK.
LCCI responds to the Chancellor's Mansion House speech
A statement from Richard Burge, Chief Executive of the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI), following The Chancellor's speech at Mansion House which set out his ambitions for the UK economy. 
LCCI responds to the Department for Transport's Integrated Rail Plan
London Chamber of Commerce and Industry respond to the Integrated Rail Plan announced by the Department for Transport.
LCCI says abstract financial settlement is not the answer
Chief Executive of London Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) Colin Stanbridge today commented on reports that Brexit negotiations had stalled over a "divorce" bill.
LCCI welcome international travel rule changes
LCCI welcome changes to England's international travel rules.
10 of 1704 Results