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ULEZ reforms could pave the way to a safer, greener London
London Mayor, Sadiq Khan and the London Assembly have responded to calls to reform the ULEZ vehicle scrappage scheme.
Who can be the Mayor to make London better for business?
As the Mayoral candidates prepare to take part in the London Business hustings tonight in Canary Wharf, London Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) has published its latest polling on the Mayoral race.
Women in Business Development Programme
London Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) is launching a free-to-access, practical business programme to provide unique opportunity for women to feel grown in confidence, equipped with tools and supported by a strong, active network of peers.
Advancing Your Resilience: Strategies for Business Owners and Leaders
Customs Procedures and Documentation
Customs Procedures and Documentation This introduction course is aimed at anyone involved in international trade who needs to understand customs. The course will cover the role of HMRC and practicalities such as goods wholly produced in the UK, use of documentation including the EUR1, free circulati...
100 days until Brexit
75% of the London businesses that we recently polled still have not made any provisions in preparation for Brexit.
Capital 500 Q2 2022
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Gary Ruffhead
With over 25 years of experience in ‘ISO management systems standards’ across several market sectors and worked within the UK's national standards body, Gary acts as a Principal ISO Lead Auditor whilst being affiliated with other leading organisations.
100-day verdict on the man who promised to be the most "pro-business mayor ever"
The new Mayor of London has made a good show of listening but now needs to prepare to move up a gear in terms of delivery says London Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI).
Ian Daniels
Ian is a Chartered Accountant and partner at HaysMac where he is an audit and advisory partner with a particular focus on the property sector. Ian is a keen rugby union watcher and enjoys playing tennis, photography, attending air shows and watching motor racing.
10 of 1733 Results